The surf equipment

For surfing you do not need much...
But nevertheless there is some surf equipment, without which it (often) does not go...

The surfboard

Depending on the purpose of use and skill, there are different forms of the surfboard. These determine the turning behavior, buoyancy, etc. and thus ultimately the use of the board…

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The wetsuit

Wetsuit is the English name for a surf suit made of neoprene. There are now hundreds of different companies, designs, colors, thicknesses, etc….

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The Finns

The fins are the trackers of the board. Depending on the type of board, one to three fins are used. They provide stability and grip on the water and is therefore one of the most important components in surfboard…

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The Leash

The leash is one of the most important parts of the surfboard. You don’t need it directly for surfing (you could also surf without a leash) – nevertheless it often “saves” lives…

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The surf wax

Surf wax provides slip resistance on the board. It is applied only on the top – it is not used on the bottom for better gliding properties as in snowboard…

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